
The Lord lives! I thank and praise the Lord for all the prayer and love given to Africa through you this past year, 2014. God has allowed this lacking servant yet another year. I confess with my head held low, Lord, please put up with your servant this year, again. Help me to look solely to you. Fill my heart with You ­ only You. For you, my partners in Christ, I pray: Lord move our hearts in Your direction. Allow us to ...

Please be the joy, gratitude, and hope of the people. Just a few days ago, the leaders of Thabo Mbeki village, a village named after the previous president, called me to discuss something urgently. I rushed out as they asked that I meet them at 08:00 in the morning. We met at Sinoxolo Creche, a crèche we built in ’98. When I arrived, 3 of the village leaders were waiting for me. We exchanged pleasantries. Although they do not know Christ, they asked ...

Thank you! It is because of all your prayers that we are able to do His work here. And through your support and prayers over these last few months many short-term mission teams have been able to come through and do His ministry here in South Africa: 4 teams from Canada, 4 teams from Korea, a team from America and Germany. Many teams have come through with serving hearts to be His harvesters. Because of these teams, their hearts, their works and prayers and love we ...

From Africa, the land of hope, From Africa, the land of blessings, We would like to share God’s Love, blessings and grace with you. Winter has now passed and spring has arrived giving us more and more warm days Where we no longer have to sit wrapped up but can rather stretch out our wings for God. In this time we ask for your prayers. The construction of the African leadership conference center is now in the final stages. The windows that were ...

Greetings to you from South Africa. For the Kingdom! Let us proclaim the Kingdom together, for Jesus died on the cross for us and invited us into His Kingdom. Let us proclaim that we are His Kingdom. Special request: we are short of books for pastor’s training. Currently we are training 700 pastors and church leaders to equip them to preach the word of God. Each student needs 10 books which overall cost $35 to print. Please support one or ...

  Whilst walking the unpaved paths in Transkei and seeking the homes of the town’s people in hopes of sharing the Gospel, I was overwhelmed by thoughts. I live eternally. The short-term mission team together sharing the Gospel lives eternally. Those who hear and receive the Gospel today will proclaim eternal life. Lord, thank you. You have given us eternal life! Lord, let us all set our eyes and hearts on that which is eternal. We are currently repairing and ...

Happy New Year 2014 and have Jesus in your heart! After a year sabbatical and my son Aaron’s wedding, my family and I have returned home to South Africa. Please pray that in this new year I will be able to take on God’s ministry with His heart. Thanks! Thank you! Thank you very much for all of your prayers, love and support; it has been our strength and given us courage to continue. Looking back at the past 18 ...

In the name of Christ Jesus our Savior, I send greetings to you. I thank you for all you love, prayers and sacrifices that have lead missions in South Africa. Through your prayers and continuous support, I have been able to have a blessed sabbatical visiting many places and meeting missionaries passionate about sharing His love and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who are filled with His love. Through these meetings I am reassured that God’s love is spreading ...