God’s Unconditional Love

God’s Unconditional Love

- in Prayer Reports

God is Love. During the morning devotion time at our winter bible school, God gave me this thought…

“If we can help the children to Love more, forgive more and share more through the winter children’s church bible school… And if the teacher’s dream of this kind of growth in our children, would we not begin to feel and understand better the love of Christ who died on the cross for us, the forgiveness he freely gave us and see His kingdom being established on this earth.”

Like this I pray that through missions our churches would be transformed into those filled with God’s unconditional love… That we will love more, share more and forgive more… In the next week we will be holding another 2 children’s camps with a total of 10 teachers and about 400 children. Please pray that our teachers will be able to serve these children with this mindset, with a heart filled with love and patience, and finally that they will not tire.

Pastor Mfundo, who has for the longest time been a part of the children’s ministry will be leaving. Please pray that through him, the children’s church ministry will grow, that through him many children will come to Christ, that God will continue to pour passion and strength to continue as an independent missionary for these children.

We have recently finished constructing a new church in the heart of Khayelitsha. This church was built for the church body lead by pastor Moses, who studied with the program at the African Leadership theological college many years ago. With his passion for the word of God, he began this church, which has now grown to have 70 church members. Seeing church members clapping and singing with joy at the completed church building, I prayed that this church would become one that truly serves their community, that they will become the hope of their community, that they will support and walk with the community in times of hardships and joys, and therefore be the light and salt of the community that Jesus commanded us to be.

With the help of the many short term mission teams that have come through from Singapore, Korea, Canada, America, our children’s church and camps, school character building classes have seen many fruits. Further I saw God’s kingdom in their tireless hard work put into building the new church, painting the pre-school building, the ministry in Transkei, door-to door evangelism and pastor’s training ministry. Lord Be glorified by your harvesters!

Special prayer request:

Lesotho is a small country landlocked by South Africa, with a scene similar to that of rural South Africa. Missionary uksu Lee, is currently working hard to build and establish a rural theological school and churches. This church will be one where the graduates and lecturers from our theological program will be beginning their ministry. The Theological school has the financial support for its construction, however 2 rural churches still require the financial support to begin their construction. Each church construction approximately costs about US$9000 each. Please pray with us that God will provide us with this.

Prayers of thanks:

  1. With every visit to Madagascar, Satan tries to disrupt our ministry of building clinics, schools, pastor’s training and church establishments by affecting my health; last year with the problems with my knee and this year with a flu with a persistent cough, but through it all God has given me strength to continue and I am truly grateful. Praise the Lord!
  2. When short-term mission teams leave South Africa following their ministry here, we send them back home in the name of Jesus as life-time missionaries with the task of living a life for His kingdom. Please pray that these missionaries will change their families, friends, their workplace, church and their community through love, thankfulness, service, forgiveness, tolerance, peace, and Christ like actions.

Your prayers, support and love is the hope and future of the ministry in Africa. Let us build His kingdom here together. Praise the Lord!

For the Kingdom!

Young Ohm