African Leadership News April~ May 2019

African Leadership News April~ May 2019

Bread Factory in Madagascar

Madagascar was a country under colonization for around 70 years.  1It got its independence in 1960, but there is still difficulty in the country.

Recently people from FJKM, the largest Protestant denomination, started to say that there should be a restoration of peasants. The reason for this is that during colonization, peasants were forced to leave their homes and landowners took over the land. With the church starting this project of restoration for peasants, the peasants could start farming and also be protected with the law. The law states that people have a right to the land which they farm, which means that no one will be able to take over the land.

This is how the bread factory started. Peasants started to plant small Cassava (a plant that is easy to grow) and Breadfruit trees, to help their living. With these plants, the young adults of Madagascar are able to make food with the flour and meal that they get from it. Even though it is small, there is now a factory in which they produce the flour to make the bread. The bread factory would also help keep the living conditions of peasants stable.

It has only begun now, and it will continue to prosper. Many more factories have to be built so that people can make more bread with the flour. Lord! Pour your will and power over this project. We know that you will be happy with what the churches of Madagascar are doing in your name. Help the weak and poor peasants stand up with the power you give them. Show them hope through the bread factories.

Donating food to Pre-schools and Kindergartens

2Our God always takes care of and provides us. With the help and prayers from many, African Lead – ership was able to provide food to Kindergartens for over 20 years. We have seen God ’s great love through sharing and have been able to realize what God wants by receiv – ing prayers and donations. This year, we are providing food to 10 kindergartens out of 30. Every week, we send products and groceries for breakfast and lunch. It delights me to see the stacks of food and products that will be delivered to these pre-schools. It is also touching to see the smiles on teachers ’faces and the young chil – dren waiting for us to arrive with the vitamin sweets we take to give them every time. There are however, many more kindergartens who do not receive food. Please pray. With 200 dollars, it is possible to feed 30 to 40 children a small break – fast and lunch at a kindergarten. Lord! You who love children, please have your way in these children so that they can grow in you.

Children’s Church

Pastor Mfundo, who does children’s church ministry, was is a car accident last week. The car flipped over on the expressway, but God has protected him. Pastor Mfundo was on his way to get supplies for the Children’s camp that was to take place at our center when the accident happened. As it happened, he thought he might die and he lost his conscience. Once he opened his eyes, he thought he was in heaven, but after realizing that he was transferred to hospital, he was thankful that God gave him another chance to live longer for God’s Kingdom. The car was not on insurance and was immediately written off. Lord! Our God who has protected Pastor Mfundo! We thank you for allowing us to take care of Children’s church with more joy. Allow more children to hear your Word and help us to share the gospel. We cannot make use of the car anymore, but help us to continue to work for Your Kingdom and only to focus on you.

Transkei Farming Project

3We are thankful that our Transkei farming project is finally bearing fruit after 10 years of hard work. The villagers have made gardens around the village and have planted Saladela (a plant that grows well during dry seasons and with poor soil) for the cattle of cows and sheep to have as food. It is yet a test-farming, but we are sure that it will help the communi – ty as soon as this farming practice expands. We believe that the people living in Transkei will too see the Kingdom of God through the hope they see as they grow the plants and share the fruit.

Transkei Easter Sunday

Transkei Farming Project There was a 3-day Easter wor – ship service held at the Quthubeni Grey Community Church. It was a big service held together with 4 churches. The team from Germany was here during the time. The Easter service was a time of reminder for us of God ’s immeasurable love, for him dying on the cross to save our sins. It was a service of prayer, communion and there was also a service for the children. We were able to experience sharing, giving, serving and most importantly, loving, through these Easter services.

Sharing Love, Sharing Uniforms

We were very grateful to be able to share school uniforms to 78 students attending Intshayelelo Primary School in Ilitha Park, Khayelitsha. These students, who live in rural areas, were very happy to receive school uniforms to wear to school. I am sure each student was able to feel God’s love being poured over them.

Farm School Services

Every Friday, around a 100 children wait in excitement for us at farms around the area. For over 4 years we have been sharing the gospel with the children attending farm schools. They are turned away from society in many ways, but our God does not turn his back on them. God wants us to continue to share his Word to these children so that they can see hope and the will God has in plan for them in their lives. Please pray that there can be revival and work of the Holy Spirit at this H.M. Beets Primary School.

Swaziland Jesus-Village


The opening service of “The House of Prayer” We praise God for allowing us new life in the Jesus-Village of Swaziland. An intercessory prayer seminar was taken place for four days from 26th March to 29th March. On 30th March, “The House of Prayer for the Nations” had the first service. There were tears of joy and gratefulness as this was a day in which the prayers of many people beared its fruit. It was a day when the promise that God had for us 13 years ago became complete. Around 40 visitors came to praise God and to congratulate this wonderful event. With plentiful food, visitors and missionaries from South Korea, Cape Town, Pretoria and Eswatini were able to share a meal and converse. It was a service of thankful hearts for completing the construction of the building, but also a service of prayer for the days to come. God gave us the bible verse from Genesis 12 and Joshua 1:8-9 as the message of promise. God will, with no doubt, make the House of Prayer the heart of Africa and continue to build His Kingdom through it. God reminded us that those who go into their small rooms and pray, unseen, will be rewarded. We praise the almighty and powerful God.

Children’s Ministry

The opening service of “The House of Prayer” We praise God for allowing us new life in the Jesus-Village of Swaziland. An intercessory prayer seminar was taken place for four days from 26th March to 29th March. On 30th March, “The House of Prayer for the Nations” had the first service. There were tears of joy and gratefulness as this was a day in which the prayers of many peopleThere are about 300 children that are attending worship services every Friday from 3-5pm. We pray that these children will to grow as strong leaders in the next generation of Eswatini and keep God’s will in their hands. Around the area, there are also places to learn computer skills, art and to learn worship songs.

Lesotho Church and Primary School

5Lesotho Theological Training Hermanus Street Church We plan to start a church and primary school in Kolkozane, a village in the northern part of Lesotho. There is a pastor who has studied theology six years ago and he will start the church with the help of other missionaries. We are thankful that God has allowed us not only a church, but also a place for education and care in the same area. We believe that this would be a more efficient way to share the gospel.

Lesotho Theological Training

Theological training has taken place in 5 different lecture venues. This year, we are focusing on training many police pastors. In other places, there are many opportunities for theological teaching, but we are focusing on growing more police pastors who can spread the gospel within the police sector and so that they can bring a change in the society.

Hermanus Street Church

Since January of 2011, we are holding services at a taxi station every Wednesday. Around 20-30 people from the streets gather to praise the Lord. With the help from some coordinators, we are serving and sharing soup and bread after the service. Sometimes, the churches in the area would donate clothes and blankets. Last year, African Leadership in Germany provided us with blankets. This year, we are blesses to receive blankets once again. The community is busy building a shelter home named Mount Pleasant, but the construction is getting delayed due to lack of funds to continue building. Please pray that the construction will end before the cold winter begins.

ATC (African Theological College)

The second term has ended, and from 29th April, term 3 will begin. The weather is beginning to get cold and the days are shorter, which results in low attendance of classes. Please pray that students will overcome the conditions and continue to study the Bible. In term 3, the first year students will be studying the outline of the Old and New Testament, second years will study Ruth and the book of Judges along with counseling. On 27th April, we had an ATC homecoming day, where the graduates and current students came to talk about what we should to in order to be good leaders for the Kingdom of Christ. The meeting for the publishing of the new ATC textbooks was taking place April 25-26th. It was the first official meeting for the new edition of the textbooks. Please pray that the textbooks will be used for pastors who will be studying theology in Africa.

King’s Kids Children Ministry

A friend who is heading a Korean ministry in Japan is supporting scholaThe theme for King’s Kids Children Ministry in March was “I’m Special!” We all are very different people. Some people all tall, some are short; some are thin, some are chubby; some can be clever while others have lower intelligence; some are good looking and others are not. We also differ in skin colour. “Who is more loved by God? Which kind of person?”, we ask the children. The children shout out the correct answer on their second try. “Both!”“Yes. Our God does not judge us based on our looks or appearances. We are all equally loved in front of him whether we are short, tall, thin, chubby or ugly.” We told the children who might be suffering heartaches due to stereotypes and hate that they are equal in God’s eyes. We hope that the children will be able to shout “I am special!” even though they are teased or frowned upon. Last month, we did an activity with the children to send to our thankful hearts to those who fund and donate for the children’s ministry. We made posters with “God Bless You!” written on it. Our children decorated it! 1,2,3, smile!

The 10th Mothers School

6The 10th Mothers School ended successfully with the help of 11 staff members and 16 mothers who attended the seminars. Many were nervous as they had to take different roles as teachers, lecturers and leaders. God gave us the message from Psalms 23, and this helped us to focus on teaching the mothers instead of thinking of it as work. Many were touched and warmed by the confessions and tears of the mothers who attended. One mother experienced rape, abuse and HIV in her live, and through Mothers School, she confessed that she will forgive her husband and let go of the burdens in her life. In the time of worship on the last day, the room was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. We felt his presence in the worship songs we sang, and all of the mothers wept in prayer. This 10th Mothers School was a time in which we could feel God’s love for each individual.

Lecturers and Staff Training School

Three of the South Korean Mothers School Lecturers who were serving at the Madagascar Mothers School came to South Africa for the Lecturer and Staff Training School. It took place in the Easter week which meant that not many of our local staff could attend, but there is hope that we will be able to continue to build a more successful Mothers School in the future, with the messages and training we received. Currently, this Satan is overpowering society with problems he creates in families and communities. We believe that mothers should be happy in order to make their children happy. Even though some suffer through the darkest valleys, we know that Mothers School will break free the hearts and troubled lives of those attending it. We pray that they will receive peace and comfort from our Lord.

Farm Churches

There was a place God had set for us to deliver the gospel and His Word. When we arrived at this place for the first time, we were surprised that such a place ex – isted. This is because people were living in and around dumps of trash and dirt, with no electricity or water. They were living in very poor conditions. After looking at this place, we realized why God sent us and we continued to visit and pray for those people twice a week. Finally, after a month or so, two very special children started to join our prayer and worship services in the area. A week after this, there were a total of 8 children waiting for us and the services even though it was a raining day. Their mothers also greeted us and told the children to enjoy their time. After continuous visits, we found out that there were only about 15 children living in the area. God has allowed us to go to places where people do not often visit, and to build a church. He allowed us to share the Word to a small group of children, reminding us that to God, each soul is important than gaining the whole world. Pray for each soul that God wants to save, so that we will be able to spread the gospel with joy.

South Africa East London “Special Me” Children and Kindergarten Ministry

At Scenery Park Living Water Kindergarten in East London, we started a program called Special Me since March. Around 10 children learn the Bible in English and receive art classes through this program. We pray that these children will grow into children of God. There are not many children at this kindergarten right now, but we believe that God will send us more if we continue to deliver his Word in joy. children ministries.

South Africa East London “We are special”children ministry


There are often cases when young children cannot go to school due to over flooding at their homes on heavily rainy days. When looking at the few children sitting in their classrooms at school, we pray, “Lord, please let these young souls realize that you are with them too, and that you love them.” Here, at Duncan Villiage Masakhe School, we have started the “We Are Special Character School”. We pray that through character education, these children will grow with the character of God.

“We are special” Children Bible School

There in an increasing number of children attending the Children’s Bible Camp at Vusithemba Community Center. We thank our God who has allowed us more children worshipping him and attending services. It was a short while, but we were grateful to see children enjoying their time praising the Lord, watching hand puppet plays and listening to his Word. There was a time where the children had to roleplay the scene where Jesus enters Jerusalem on Easter. We were reminded of the great sacrifice Jesus gave for us, He who came to the lowest of places from the highest throne. The children did a beautiful job in shouting “Hosanna!” and waving the palm leaves. We praise God who walks with us even though we are sinners.