God’s kingdom in Africa!

God’s kingdom in Africa!

- in Madagascar Ministry, Prayer Reports

Praise the Lord. Glory to our God. I send our greetings of thanks for all your prayer and support for the kingdom of God in Africa. His eternal Kingdom here in Africa.


The primary school construction in Tamatave has been completed through the grace of god, your prayers and financial support and last week “Immanuel Primary school” was able to hold their opening ceremony. We pray that our Lord that has lead the children to education will lead these children not only to great future but one where they will embrace the Lord and live as the salt and light of this world. That the school will be a ground for growth of their faith and relationship with our Lord.

Children’s Church Teacher’s training

The training camp was held with a total of 65 children’s church teachers with the purpose of sharing the vision of 2015 and further to establish a stronger bond between the coordinators and children’s church teachers. The vision shared was to establish 2000 children churches in order to reach 100 000 children in khayelitsha to become Christ-like, so as to build up the future of our community through these children. Furthermore following this camp all teachers now meet with the coordinators for a weekly bible study and follow-up session for both personal spiritual growth, growth as teachers and to serve as a platform for discussion and improvement. Lord! Through these children’s churches transform this crime-riddled area to one of peace, this area of poverty to one filled with sharing and service, this area filled with jealousy to one filled with love. Transform Khayelitsha into your kingdom.


This is a country landlocked inside South Africa where we are now in the process of building a church. We are planning to hold the opening service on April 12. Our hearts are warmed by the idea that we build a house of the lord as David had dreamed of doing but never got to see.. We are excited by what the lord will do through this church and praise the lord for the opportunity to have been a part of it thus far. It has been through your support and prayers that this place of worship, prayer and fellowship amongst fellow brothers and sister has been made possible. Please pray with us that this church will be a vessel that carries out God’s mission and that through this church Lesotho will become God’s Kingdom.

Prayer requests

    1. Preschool renovations: We have laid down new floors at the little angel preschool with the help and support of the short term mission team from Korea. Seeing the smiles on the faces of the teams after a hard days labor and the joy it brought the teachers and children we praised the Lord. Please pray that this crèche will continue to be filled with love and that it will be a reflection of His kingdom.
    2. Children’s church camps: The children church teams are in the process of planning for their annual camps. And in preparation we have held a children church teachers training camp where the teachers have committed to loving and caring for the children’s spiritual lives. We are planning to hold a total of 8 camps with 120-150 children at each. Each camp costs $1600. Please pray with us that God will provide us with the necessary finances to hold these camps.
  1. African Leadership Coordinators: Please pray that our coordinators will be able to run their ministries with the strength and wisdom from the Lord. Further that they will proclaim and experience His kingdom daily in their lives. that they will walk closely with the Lord in all that they do.

For the Kingdom!

Young Ohm
African Leadership