His Kingdom Comes

His Kingdom Comes

- in Children Ministry, Prayer Reports



Whilst walking the unpaved paths in Transkei and seeking the homes of the town’s people in hopes of sharing the Gospel, I was overwhelmed by thoughts.

I live eternally. The short-term mission team together sharing the Gospel lives eternally. Those who hear and receive the Gospel today will proclaim eternal life.

Lord, thank you. You have given us eternal life! Lord, let us all set our eyes and hearts on that which is eternal.

  1. We are currently repairing and restoring the African Leadership Centre/Campsite. A carpenter from Germany, a short-term mission team from Canada with plumbers, students from South Korea; all are working tirelessly in repairing this site because they envision the amazing works of the Gospel that God will do through this Centre/Campsite. They grind and break through walls to install pipelines in order to increase the number of showers and bathrooms. The dust fills the air, and their hair is white with dust. They smile amidst the work. Jesus rejoices with us! For the works of the Lord, they have travelled 36 hours by plane. They are content because of Jesus. Lord! We confess that we are content because of you. If you, Jesus, are among us, we need nothing more. Lord, use this Centre/Campsite to touch the hearts of many young children and to open up the next generation through them, to teach the youth to be obedient to you and to carry the works of the Gospel, to train the Pastors to become Christ-like and to envision Your Kingdom.
  2. We have started the Children’s Church camps. Children’s Church teachers, assistant teachers, and those who wish to serve as teachers, adding up to 120 people, came together at the first camp to prepare and pray for the camps that will be directed at youths and children.
  3. We had an “I’m Precious to Jesus‘ campaign. The short-term mission team from Canada and many youths partook in the campaign. A total of somewhat 400 people walked the streets with the Khayelitsha Children’s church teachers and children, wearing the campaign t-shirts, and handing out the “I’m Precious to Jesus” pamphlets.
  4. The Theological college has commenced with lectures for 2014. An evening service was held in the first week for the students. 4 professors pray and envision the building of the Kingdom of God through the leaders that will arise and teach towards that goal.
  5. The high school ministry has begun with the name ‘good tree’, and is training the youth in hopes of raising good trees in these young students.
    Character building programs have been initiated in 6 high schools. Much of the problems that people face are associated with character. To reflect the character of Christ is our ultimate goal. We work towards teaching these students the character of Jesus and to live in Christ-likeness.
  6. 47 Satellite theological classes are currently being held with 690 pastors and church leaders, who have never received training, being trained. We are planning to print study materials for these trainees, as we did last year. Each trainee studies 2 years with 10 books. We thus plan to print 10000 books to have the capacity to train 1000 trainees. It costs $35 to train one trainee. Please pray that God will place people to serve financially in this ministry.


Prayer Requests


  1. The biggest asset that missionaries leave behind is, I think, a life lived in faith. Please pray that our ministries be founded entirely on faith and that, through these ministries, many will turn to faith in Jesus.
  2. That every ministry would be focused on the Kingdom of God, and that in His time, each ministry will be used as God wills.
  3. The Short-term mission teams from Canada and South Korea that came in January/February, undertook to serve as life-missionaries. Please pray that wherever they go the Kingdom of God will be built, that whoever they meet they will introduce Christ and invite others to His Kingdom, and that whatever they do they will dream of His Kingdom.
  4. That my family, and the African Leadership families and their children will be kept in the safety of the Lord’s arms and that the Lord will watch over our health and safety and will continue to fill us with His Grace.

Thank You.
For the Kingdom.

Young Ohm & Young Ae

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African Leadership
P.O.Box 72053, Old Orchard P.O.,  Burnaby,  B.C.  V5H 4P9,      CANADA
P.O.Box 36077,   Glosderry 7702,  Cape Town,   South Africa.

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