To all our African Leadership family,
“For the Kingdom!”
In the Name of the Lord who renews this world through His word, we greet you all. Even during the struggles and hardships of the COVID-19 pandemic, thank you for walking with us in prayer.
Looking back at the last two years where it has felt as though most of our ministries had come to a standstill, God has been tirelessly continuing His work. Now at the start of 2022 in eagerness and anticipation we proclaim this same God’s kingdom here in Africa.
One filled with Love, Forgiveness, Service, and kindness.
Ministries in 2021
- The bible college continued its classes online allowing for graduates of 2021 at the end of the year.
- Despite COVID-19, in Madagascar we were able to complete building 2 more schools.
- There was a large famine in the South of Madagascar causing lots of suffering amongst those living there. However, through the generosity of our partners we were able to show God given comfort through the sharing of food parcels and goats to thousands of people in the community.
- During the year we were able to print and distribute 20000 copies of the new pastoral training manual -Biblical Leadership training center (BTLC) which contains about 20 volumes in total-allowing for continued pastoral training throughout many countries in Africa.
Children’s Ministry
That this place would be used for His kingdom…
Starting in mid-January the children’s churches will be reopening their doors. This will mean searching for dedicated young adults who are excited and dedicated to spreading God’s word with the children in each of the 30 locations.
Educare center ministry
children who experience God’s love…
With the start to 2022, about 30 educare centers have been busy cleaning and preparing for the children’s return. Please continue to pray for the teachers, that they will teach, and care for these children as God would and that they will continue to built up these educare centers with love and with His words as guidance.
Many of these educare centers are in need of physical repairs, rusting rooves, old walls with peeling paints, cracked floors, carpets that need replacements and windows that need new frames… Please pray with us that God will prepare and send someone to take on this ministry.
Bible college ministry
The African theological college in Khayelitsha is also getting ready to open its doors and enroll new students. There are many pastors in ministry that have never received any formal training. We need pastors who will lead God’s church with God’s word. Please pray that those pastors that are hungry for His word will find their way to the bible college.
- There are currently about 30 satellite bible college classes across Africa. These classes are run by those who first studied the course at the satellite classes in previous years. Please pray that this ministry will be able to continue and spread to those locations that are in need to reach those pastors who are in need of training and growth in His word.
Madagascar bible translation and printing
So that all can read His word and meet God in their mother…
Madagascar is known to have multiple local languages native to each area of which Betsileo is being used by about 4million people. In 2021, this ministry was born translating the bible into Betsileo. To date 10000 copies of this newly translated bible have been printed for distribution. However, with COVID-19 and increased in shipment prices these bibles are sadly still sitting at the printing press. Please pray that these bibles will be shipped and arrive safely so that those 4 million people who use betsileo will be able to experience reading His word and come before the Lord through this word and grow in Him.
We have now begun translating to Tsimihety, another minority local language spoken in Madagascar by about 1 million people. To be able to read the word of God in your mother tongue is a blessing that these people have not yet had. Please pray for the translation to printing to shipping to distribution process and that God will provide a partner in this ministry to assist with printing and distribution of these bibles.
Madagascar school building ministry
Through the support of all our donars there have been about 20 primary and highschools built in Madagascar. These schools have been built in places where there was no school or where the schools were built with banana tree leaves that blew away with the yearly monsoons. God has been working in these places to create safe learning environments for these children.
In 2022, we are planning to build more schools in those areas that are in need. Please continue to pray for this process but also for those schools that have already been built and are now open. Please pray for the teachers, that they will all come to know and love the Lord and that this love will overflow to the children under their care.
Madagascar Bethany Hospital
That they will meet the God who is the hope for all…
The Lord has stretched out His helping hand to reach those sick and most vulnerable in Madagascar through the establishment of Bethany Hospital. God is planting hope and comfort to those ill in need of medical attention.
Bethany Hospital is run by Madagascan Doctors who have dedicated their time and hearts into the care of their patients. We pray that God will continue His work here planting hope and that this hospital will be run and grow within His word and be a vessel for His work. We give praise in anticipation for the work He will do.
In 2021, 1 ambulance vehicle was donated and sent to the hospital. We pray that this vehicle will be able to reach those most sick and in need and share His healing, His love with those patients it serves.
Food sharing during COVID-19 and Christmas
Last Christmas, we were able to create food parcels (to last about 1 month) to share with those families in need. This need has grown exponentially during the COVID-19 pandemic where many have lost their jobs. Those distributing the food were often met with tears of gratitude from the recipients and Gods Heart for these people could be felt. We praise God and we thank all those who partnered with us through prayer and monetary support to make this happen.
Seeing this growing need, we are planning to do monthly food parcel sharing with those families most in need at that time. Please pray that we will be able to continue to share Gods heart with the people through these parcels and that God will continue to provide for this ministry. …. Will feed on family for one month.
“We are Family” campaign
So that all will be one family in Christ…
We were able to see Gods heart for the restoration of family during the COVID-19 pandemic and started the “we are family” campaign. God wants to see His family where He is our father and we His children stand together as brothers and sisters together. This is the family that Jesus introduced to us in Matthews.
Please pray that through this campaign that a culture of realization and understanding that we are all one family in Christ will be brought forward. Neighbours as family, the sick as family, those mourning as family, and those in need also as family… We hope that this will set its roots deep into our lives and we ask that you continue to support this campaign in prayer.
We have to date printed and shared about 120000 pamphlets and 50000 calendars with this campaign message. We are hoping to do the same in 2022. With 100 USD we can share pamphlets with 10000 families. With 1000USD 100000 families can be reached. God has deemed all those in this world as family and following in His footsteps we hope to create a true family culture of love, sharing, forgiveness, encouragement and service in this world. Please pray that God will continue to provide and bless this ministry.
In 2022, We stand before God, Looking only at God in anticipation for the work He is doing and the kingdom He is creating.
FOR the Kingdom! We are family!
Missionary Young Ohm and Youngae Yoo