Matthew 6:33. “Seek”

Matthew 6:33. “Seek”

- in Prayer Reports

1 children campDear

Today, we are holding a children’s church camp, with about 136 children and about 20 teachers. The hustle and bustle of excitement, the loud chatter… the spring in the steps of the children as they carried their bags to their rooms.. a 9 year old boy’s excitement when seeing a double story bed for the first time and trying to get onto the top bed… the smiles when they are told they each get a bed of their own… the business of the kitchen and the sound of the teachers shouting grace before meals…  just seeing the energy made my heart smile..

This camp’s theme is from Matthew 6:33. “Seek”

We hope that through this camp the children will learn that Jesus should be first in our lives…

Following this camp, we have a further 4 more camps planned for this year. With inflation, the cost of running each camp has increased to about $1700, therefore working out to about $12 per child for 3 days. We are praying for further funding to run these camps and for your support even for a single child…

Please pray with us:

    1. Please pray that through this camp the children will learn of God’s kingdom and live a kingdom centered life.
  1. Please pray that the attending teachers will continue to love and serve these children with God’s heart.
  2. Please pray that all necessary funding will be raised so that all the planned camps can be held.
  3. Over July-August there will be 3 short term mission teams. Please pray that these teams will be witnesses of God’s ministry and experience and share in God’s kingdom.
  4. We are in the process of building a church in Khayelitsha. Please pray that through the construction of this church the good news will be further spread through the community.
  5. We are in the process of building primary schools in Madagascar. And have started on the second school. Please pray that through these schools the children attending will not only receive a good education but dream of a bigger future in the Lord.
  6. We will start with building of clinics in Madagascar soon. With these we will also begin training clinical practitioners for these clinics in partnership with the ‘Mercy mission organization.’ Please pray that through this partnership many people will not only receive good health care but further receive the love of the Lord.

For the Kingdom!

Young Ohm