His Kingdom is near when children smile

His Kingdom is near when children smile

- in Children Ministry

For The Kingdom!

The winter has come here in South Africa and all the schools went to winter vacation. Usually vacations here are about 3 weeks and there are full of children and youth of Khayelitsha enjoying the vacation. Therefore we started to do children’s’ camp. The camp started from last Friday and our local pastor Mfundo took in charge of the community camp.

There were 130 children and 20 local teachers of children’s church and local coordinators and us missionaries attended the camp. This adds up to about 160 people in total.

There were 3 sessions in the camp. Usually the session taught children about God’s words and following them. Children read, spoke and understood the God’s word to become God’s children and it was very precious moments. We also had recreation times in between sessions so that children could participate and have fun and learn at the same time.

By looking at children’s happy faces we once again came across about the importance of understanding serving others.

At the last night of the camp there were full of sounds of praise and worship of children and we could feel how God loves and blessed this country. The 3 day camp has ended safely and successfully in God’s blessings and we believe that through the camp children have learned how to become children of God.

We sometimes forget that we are the children of God. However through repentance and prayer God forgives our sins and that is why we are the most blessed ones in the world. We recently came to the realization of sinners through serving the children. Children are very pure and white as the paper. Our missionaries’ blessed work will be drawing and painting a beautiful image on these white papers. To do so we will need lots of prayers. Please pray for the God’s Kingdom coming and work together!


Name of Jesus Christ! Amen.