Rejoice! Jesus is with us

Rejoice! Jesus is with us

- in Leadership Ministry, Prayer Reports


Thank you! It is because of all your prayers that we are able to do His work here. And through your support and prayers over these last few months many short-term mission teams have been able to come through and do His ministry here in South Africa: 4 teams from Canada, 4 teams from Korea, a team from America and Germany. Many teams have come through with serving hearts to be His harvesters. Because of these teams, their hearts, their works and prayers and love we have seen His kingdom grow and our hearts and souls strengthened.

The team members ranged from 7 till 78 years of age. God used each person’s strength, weaknesses and passion to spread His word. With God by their side there were those who worked tirelessly digging, those who continued to paint despite falling off the chair they were standing on, the team members who were all above 60 years of age who spent the day tiling the floors of a preschool, others who ran a deworming day for the children, and others who travelled more than 120000 km to evangelise to those who live under the oppression of the ancestors. Furthermore others ran Sunday schools, ran character building classes at schools, help build the 2 new preschools, do prayer walks and proclaim this land as His kingdom, and others who came to serve the mothers of our communities and teach them God’s heart.

It was all God. It was all God’s work. These team members, and those who supported them both financially and in prayer are those living in His image. Lord! Bless all of your sons and daughters who have poured out their hearts, their time and their energy into your work! Thank you Lord! We Glorify Your name!

In September, we held the African Leadership conference center opening service. Although their were many trials in renovating the conference center, though His grace we were able to open the conference center. Through this center, many children, youth, mothers, fathers, pastors and missionaries will be able to teach, be taught, learn, hope and dream of His kingdom here in Africa. In purchasing this property we had the question of “How will God use this place?” and to that we ask you to pray with us saying

Lord show us your plans for this place. Use this place for Your works!

Please pray that through this place will also serve as a reminder to all to search for Him and His will in all that we do.

It is already nearing the end of the year 2014. We are holding our theological school programs graduation ceremony in Khayelitsha, Lesotho and Hermanus with a total of about 70 graduates. Lord! I pray that these graduates will live by your will, and work to become more like You. Furthermore each preschool is holding a graduation service for those children who will be heading off to school in the following year. Lord! You have created these little ones and I pray that they will grow both in faith and love.

Because of your prayers Aaron/Jeehye and Priscilla are now taking another step forward in their lives. Aaron will be graduating at the end of this year and starting his new job, Jeehye will continue to work next year and Priscilla will be completing the fourth year of her studies. These children have grown up because of your love, prayers and support. Please pray that they will continue to grow in their hearts for His kingdom and His work.

For the Kingdom!

Missionary Young, youngae, Aaron/ Jihye, Priscilla Ohm