African Leadership News – May

African Leadership News – May

- in Ministries, South African Ministry

Open Service of Lesotho Church

Open Service of Lesotho Church

April 1 is a day of blessings and gratitude. Another church was built in Lesotho.

The church that worshiped in a small school classroom now has a wonderful church building. We have seen the incredible work of the Lord with a threefold increase in membership. We worshiped in the school classroom with the short-term mission team las t year, and we were also involved with the church evangelism. By completing this church building, pastors and church members who have a love for the Lord and a passion for the gospel can now come to worship together and also spread the words of God to the people in the village.

The church’s charitable foundation built the church building with the support of the Samsung Church in Vancouver. We will serve the people in this village as light and salt- as this is the Lord’s biggest command to find unbelievers in the Lord’s and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Please pray that we will be a church that obeys to the words of God, joins with the people, engages in pain, and dreams of the region as God’s kingdom.

The Difficulty of a Theology School Building

The Difficulty of a Theology School Building

Lesotho, a small kingdom with a population of 2.4 million, surrounded by South Africa, is suffering from no growth in the churches due to a lack of theological training. So, with the love of the church, Pastor Uk Soo Kim has been concentrating on pastor training for many years and have trained many pastors to the ministry. We have been doing our best to train pastors and church leaders to build churches with about 40 churches, to build churches with ecumenical seminaries and make the body of the Lord.

The construction of the seminary was started last year and we wished the construction would be completed at the end of 2016 so that in 2017, we can receive the seminary and to release the pastors to the Kingdom of Lesotho. However, the contractor has stopped because the contractor has spent the money he was given and he says he has no money to continue the construction of the building.

Pray that our hearts will not be frustrated with all the proceedings, and that we will be able to do this well with the Lord’s way and with the Lord’s heart. Please pray for the missionary Uk Soo Kim who is in charge of all these things. We are building 3 buildings: lecture room, admin room and administrative room. Please pray that we go through this process with love, patience and gratitude.

Transkei Agricultural Project

Transkei Agricultural Project

It is the grace of the Lord. The Lord has accomplished.

17-18 years ago, I saw that corn farming in Transkei was sharply decreasing as the years went by. I though the cause was due to the high tractor cost, so I bought the tractor and supplied them. However, it seemed impossible to recover. So I bought 30-40 sheep to the two farms. Then, I told them not to eat those sheep, and I sold the cubs to pay for the necessary medicines every year. Since there are many elderly people in the rural area and only people who can help them are children, I thought children can raise sheep. However, the problem was that sheep give birth to their cubs in May or June, but during that time is no rain season in Trankie. It was difficult to see the blue grass during that season, and the young lambs could not be fed properly. So they were dying or not growing healthy! How pity!

When I went to Germany, through meetings and sermons, I started talk about these stories. William, who listened to this stunning story, decided to come to South Africa in 2011 to devote his time to solve the issue. We talked a lot while driving from Cape Town to Transkie, which is 1,200 km away. William took the soil sample and took it to Germany, sent it to the test rooms in Germany and South Africa to test the soil.

Nutritious grasses were taken from Germany and tested. I started farming on the tiny land in Transkie. Although I was not sure about the result in the beginning, because William was doing all of these works with the love of God and with his faith, I continued the farming project in Transkie. I have repeatedly helped myself with suspicion.

In the fourth year, I started to seeing how great it was that William visited South Africa every year to continue the farming projects and what kind of impact that this project is ma king. Lord! Thank you. Through this agricultural project, I could see the Lord doing the work. I t w as really amazing!. The vision and importance of this farming project was also seen in the whole picture. It is truly grace and joy. This year, William came to South Africa from Germany for the seventh time. I waited for the past 7 years for the results that we found the research conclusion and the seed that fit: Saradella, Red Clover and Oats etc.

These grass grow well in Traskie and cry out for the life on the dry land with the blue grass. Earlier this year, we distributed 600 kilograms of seeds. Last week, we saw the first blue grass from the seeds that William and I farmed.

Lord! With this farming soil, a lot of animals will be fed and grow, and the grass will make the farmers happy. It is time to meet with government agencies, farmers, and chiefs to dream of the future and share the image of the kingdom of God.

Let us and the peasants see the great plan of the kingdom of God. Let them testify in this village and all the traditional villages of Transkie so that all of them wake up and know that it is the grace and blessing of God, not ancestral gods. Praise the Lord, and now we will not overcome hunger but dream our children through the land of our forefathers. May the hope of seeing the next generation be among them. The Lord who endure and who do not give up on his children! May the image of the Lord be pleased with the march of faith.

New Coordinator of Children’s Church

New Coordinator of Children’s Church

In order to revitalize the church ministry and education, pastor Barrova, who grew up in a children’s church has joined our mission team. He is still young and is a little bit shy. When I first met and interviewed him, I talked about the overall work of the ministry and we also talked about the ministry he understood. When I asked him if he had any questions about the work, he said ‘nothing’ and he left very quickly. I think that he is just shy because he was in front of many elders. When we are doing the school ministry, he is in charge of character education at school with courage and delicacy.

Currently, he is in charge of one school and children’s church. Through the leadership camp of 20 elementary schools this week, pastor Hmhundo will be responsible for the character education at the elementary school where the pastor is the principal. I pray that Barbarowa will get more and more mature and adapt his character to the character of Jesus and become a good role model to children as well as to the other children’s church and schools.

Camp Mission of AL camp Center

Camp Mission of AL camp Center

The camp was held a t the center last month. 25 children and 4 teachers attended and learned about the character of God . The children who attended this time are mostly the first time comers. It was their first time to leave home, sleeping with my friends, eating meals, and taking a shower. Some children showered for the first time. There were children in the house who bathe in buckets by wiping them with a towel and experience a new shower with water pouring from above. Because it is a children ‘s camp, let the children eat first and the teachers eat before the teacher. There are children who always eat leftover from the adults; so for those children, it was a very strange experience.

Lord! Let these children experience the Lord, through the teachers and through their friends, to know the living Lord, to be like the character of the Lord, to know the peace and joy and power, to be children to hear and praise the Lord in the world. Let friends and neighbors be children of God’s kingdom, who are always in the field and ready to study and prepare for the future.

Ambassador of African Leadership, Lee Yeon Hee

Ambassador of African Leadership, Lee Yeon Hee

It is the grace of the Lord. Sister Lee Yeon-hee (Korean actress) became an African ambassador for leadership. We had the commissioning ceremony in Korea. I saw the humility of those who took orders and the hope in the Lord. Especially I listened to Yeon-hee’s testimony, and I saw a passion for obeying, innocence and her will to live as God’s way. And the testimony and performance of Song Sol Namu was a drama that led to determination again to the Lord.

Lord! What do you want to achieve through your servants? There is joy, smile, and laughter in our mouth, and when we imagine what the Lord will do, we laugh again and laugh. The school ministry was the first dedication of Sister Lee Yeon-hee. In a word from the pastor who led the discipleship training, it is a good idea to give a donation to a missionary who knows his / her discipline! Sister Lee Yeon -hee’s pure enthusiasm for the Lord made a public health center and saved millions of people, and many schools were built.

With the construction of the first school in 2014 and the construction of the health center in 2015, and schools were built in Madagascar, the work of the Lord and the dream of the Lord came together. We are amazed at how we share our dreams with our gratitude and emotion, our joy and hope, and h ow we are pleased, led, and fulfilled in our healing with the children of the local people through health centers. I am grateful to you and my local colleagues for your generosity and blessing.