Thabo Mbeki community

Thabo Mbeki community

- in Prayer Reports

Thabo Mbeki community

I would like to share some good news with you, news of what the lord is doing.

I share this news with an excited heart. Just a few weeks ago, The community leaders from the area Thabo Mbeki called us asking us to attend a meeting with them. Thabo Mbeki, is the area where we built the first crèche 18 years ago. At this meeting they asked us to hold a leadership camp/seminar for their community leaders.

Since January, I have been praying for two things. One being the ministry in Madagasscar: building of schools and clinics and the second being community development with the leaders of each community. I have always felt that this was something that God had put on my heart, and furthermore have thought that community development and growth into that of God’s kingdom was a church’s greatest task… Although this was the case, I had not known how to approach the matter and therefore had been praying and asking for wisdom and guidance. God is good, and he answers prayers for he has opened the road for the first step to building God’s kingdom of love, of sharing, of forgiveness, or servant leaders, of peace, of acceptance and one that puts others before themselves…

God will build his kingdom and this is the start. Over the last 17 years various ministries including the crèche with food delivery, teacher’s training and children’s church have been run. Furthermore last December by the request of the community leaders who noted that many of their unemployed community members were going without food over the festive season, we provided food hampers for 62 families in the community. Following that the community leaders noted many student unable to attend school as they could not afford to buy school uniforms, and therefore we were able to assist 62 children with that. Watching the community leaders identify these problems and looking after their community we see Jesus’ heart in them. Now, with these community leaders, we will be dreaming of how God’s kingdom can be established in this community, of how we can further better this community…

We will be holding a leadership training camp from the 10-12th of July, including team building activities, sharing and making a vision for the community emphasizing that they are at the center of this development and therefore need to lead by example, that leaders are servant of the community…

Please pray with us:

  1. Please pray that we will be able to start this ministry under God’s guidance, and work with them trying to see things through His eyes.
  2. Please pray that the leaders will be able to learn what true servant leadership is and see it in themselves and that all works are done through the strength of the lord and not by that of man.
  3. Please pray that the community leaders will dream and hope of a better future for their community, one that is full of love, and forgiveness, acceptance and service and that they will give of themselves to make this vision come true.
  4. Please pray that the leaders will change their outlook from one that they are at the center of the community to one that the community’s needs are at the center.
  5. Please pray that, despite it being a hard neighbourhood, that it will be filled with love and peace from the lord.
  6. Please pray that through this camp, each relationship will strengthen in trust and understanding.

For the Kingdom!

Missionary Young Ohm